Saturday, February 2, 2013

Kind Giver Cheat Sheet For Low Mood Days

Giving to yourself is as important as giving to others. Here are some suggestions on how. ;) 
* Hug your dog (or someone else's). 

When you send out love, actively imagine receiving their love or the universal love (what this animal would do in ideal situations). This can be done with kids and people you love --even from a distance, you can visualize it. The mind can't tell the difference between what you visualize and what you actually experience, according to neurologist, Antonio Damasio's research.  

And, congratulations! You've just increased your oxytocin (or vasopressin for men).

* Eat an orange and deeply sniff the scent; the scent of oranges is said to uplift moods.

* Drink lots of water. Replenshing increases mood.

* Sing. It can even be a favorite tune with the word or words of how you feel. Just vocalizing can help to release sadness, often held in the throat.

* Lie across an exercise ball and expand your chest. Opening your chest like this allows you to breathe more easily and to release sadness.

* Drink warm beverages or take a hot shower or bath to increase a sense of comfort and decrease loneliness. Researchers at Yale University have found a connection between physical warmth and social warmth.

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