Saturday, March 15, 2014

The Light in You

Where's your gaze? 

On the light or the dark in your life? 

To see one, you have to recognize the other; meaning comes from the recognition of both. 
Dr. Heather Schwartz is a mindfulness and relational psychologist who loves working with kind and expressive people who want to change their lives for the better and make a better world for all.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Practice of Inner Fire: Savoring and "Saving" Energy

Would you like to experience more energy in your life, more joy and creativity?

Wouldn't we all? ;)

After a couple cups of tea or coffee, or after a passionate conversation on some of my favorite topics where meaning and transformation are discussed, I often have this flurry of ideas, or a wish to buy a wished for book, watch a TED Talk, or go out to Forest Park and drink in, through my senses, all the colors and textures and scents of the forest path. I have this exhilaration of life and all life's possibilities! 

There's nothing wrong with this; in fact, this experience is the birthplace of creativity and inspiration. It's where all good dreams come from. And, this blog article, too! ;)

And yet, expending intense energy rather than savoring it, can lead to bursts of energy and then fatigue. Savoring it, on the other hand, means allowing the energy of delight to expand. 

As Researcher, Dr. Brene Brown says joy is the hardest emotion for Americans to feel. I believe it! As a nation, we're focused on the next big thing, and move from one thing to the next without stopping to savor. 

So, I've been experimenting with an exercise that I call, The Practice of Inner Fire. 

This exercise allows for a deeper experience of holding life force energy. It's a way to savor the richness of life from the inside. It's also a way to practice experiencing the build-up of intensity rather than letting it go. 

It can be applied from to everything from intimate acts to inspiration to how you spend (or save) money. 

Are you interested? 

Here we go:

1. Take a moment and focus on your belly. Notice the sensations there. 

2. As you take a deep breath in, imagine that there is a small beautiful fire. This is warmth and comfort in the center of you, your belly. 

3. As you breathe out, the fire grows. It's beautiful. And, powerful. 

4. Imagine that the inside of you is a room. It's glowing with the light of this powerful energy. You can also imagine the space inside you as a room that you envision and love. Decorate it as you like.

5. As you allow the fire to grow in size, all the walls of this room inside of you expand. 

6. Notice how the fire and the walls are in synch with each other. As the fire grows, the walls and ceiling expand. This is a dialogue between your mind and your body.

7. If the room gets too big, let the walls come in closer. You want the shadow of the fire to be close to the walls, without burning them.

8. Allow your envisioned room to grow until the fire is a good size, warming you from the inside, supplying you with joy.

9. Sense the heat of this. Notice how it feels to "hold" the warmth, as though you are a hearth. 

10. Wonderful! You have arrived!

Let yourself enjoy this for at least 2 minutes, breathing in and out, noticing and practicing holding the abundance of all life. 


In the next blog article, I'll provide another exercise to expand on this one. In the meantime, feel free to practice this daily and enjoy an increase in your ability to hold and savor your life force energy! 

Warmest wishes to you,


Heather Schwartz is an integrative licensed psychologist in Portland, Oregon who delights in working with kind and expressive people who want to create more joy and connection in their lives.

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