Thursday, January 28, 2016

Creating Small-Big Changes!

I have been rewriting my Bio page for my new coaching practice over and over, saying a lot, then stopping. Saying more, then stopping. Pausing and freaking out.

Transitioning from being a therapist -- who says little to nothing about herself -- to a coach -- who says whatever feels right -- is a big adjustment, a big freedom, and it's part of why I'm making the transition: to be more who I am and bring stories about experiences along with expertise. (Two other parts are because I see how positive action creates positive change, and I'm interested in being part of a field that regards people as basically healthy!).

Even sharing this with you makes me feel a little anxious, but that's good. That's what I'm working on!

Luckily for me, my website doesn't always save what I write. (And, I found this out the hard way when it didn't save something I really wanted it to save!). 

What I found out from Wix acting stupid, is that I actually freak out when I put too much out there, change too much, too fast, even if I feel nervy in the beginning. I feel sweaty, and can't focus on anything else. Not even sleep. I have to take what I've written down. 

Have you ever had that feeling? Have you ever tried to erase -- in words or actions -- something you're almost, almost, almost ready to do, but have tried to do too fast?

Even if I really want it. Somehow, the act of saying something -- though freeing -- goes through another filter inside me later when I imagine other people reading it. 

It's like Brene Brown's idea of a "vulnerability hangover." You say too much, do more than you're really really used to and, you feel dizzy and out of control. Yup.

So, what I've been doing is writing and saving it until I'm ready. Then, I put pieces of the realness out there. It works. Gets me ready. Of course, no one else -- until you, now -- knows I'm doing this. But, I do, and it works to get my body used to these changes that my heart has decided are right for me. SO right!

What have you been stopping and starting to do as you give yourself permission to become more yourself?

Our tendency is to berate ourselves for what we haven't done.
Can you congratulate yourself for what's working?

What would you do if you had no fear? 
Can you do a little and find a way to create small-big changes?

I want to know! 
- Heather

#change #courage #hope #longing #authenticity #vulnerability #brenebrown

Dr. Heather Schwartz is a licensed psychologist and life coach who loves helping sensitive, empathic women wake up and show up: stop hiding, express their truth, and be fully themselves in the world! 

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